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Cyberduck is a free Desktop Application for MacOS and Windows which allows to manage remote files for a wide variety of protocols including S3 compatible Object Storage.

Please follow the installation instruction like described on Cyberduck

All you will need is:

  • access_key
  • secret_key
  • Contabo's S3 URL

For access_key, secret_key and the S3 URL please check here.

Configuration for Contabo's S3 compatible Object Storage

Example values


  1. Create a new bookmark, see screenshot new bookmark
  2. Choose Amazon S3 as type, see screenshot new bookmark
  3. Specify settings, see screenshot
    • in field Server put (depending your Object Storage). NOTE: please make sure to enter without https://
    • in field Access Key ID put your access_key, e.g. 82046e8110804a43bf29c1ae426a724d
    • in field Secret Access Key put your secret_key, e.g. 82e69bd7a52076c527154297a76c2233new bookmark
  4. You are done